July 20, 2014

Plans for a Arduino Temperature Sensitive Device

Today I didn't get to do any programming, but I planned out my next Arduino project! It will use an analog temperature sensor. Here is what it will do:

  • An RGB LED will light up blue if the temperature is below room temperature. the LED will light up red if the temperature is above room temperature
  • The current temperature will be displayed on a 4-digit 7-segment display
  • A switch will let the user choose between °F and °C for the display
  • If the temperature goes above 80°F, a button with a built-in LED will start blinking
  • If the button is pressed while the LED is blinking, a motor will turn on.
  • The motor will be have an attachment to make a makeshift fan. The fan will blow on the temperature sensor to try to cool it down
  • Once the temperature reaches 75°F (or some temperature between room temperature and 80°F), the fan will turn off.
Expect to see some demos in the near future as I try out the 7-segment display I soldered, the temperature sensor, and a 6V motor!

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