July 19, 2014

Lorenz Attractor Finished, What Next?

In the past two weeks, I have been busy with programming. First of all, I managed to find myself a part-time programming job, and secondly, I was working on a serial library for both Arduino and Processing. the Processing half of the library went well, but the C++ version for Arduino was excessively complicated. In the end I decided to put the idea on the backburner and finish up my Lorenz attractor program.

Here is the result:
With the added joystick and potentiometer knob, this controller now controls every aspect of the program in the same way as the keyboard and mouse!

What next? Good question. I really do not know, I have several ideas and new electronics to try. Here is a list of possible ideas:

  • Try more fractals! I have a whole book of fractals to try!
  • Try new electronics parts! I have a temperature sensor, a hall effect sensor, a rotary encoder, a rotary switch, remote controls, even a Wii nunchuck! I have yet to try any of the above!
  • Try new microcontrollers/single board computers! I recently bought a Parallax Propeller Quickstart development board and I ordered a BeagleBone Black to try! Eventually I plan to get a Raspberry Pi to add to the computers I've tried!
  • Try to make a roguelike! Roguelikes are text-based RPG games characterized with random dungeons and permadeath. I've always wanted to try one, and I think I've found a library for making them!
  • Try to make cellular automata! Akin to fractals, they can be anything from cool patterns to falling sand games!
If anyone's reading this and wants to see anything of the above, just let me know in the comments!

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