May 30, 2012

Drawing: Isometric Sketch

I've been meaning to post this. A random scene in isometric projection.

May 27, 2012

Photo: Steel Waterfall

I didn't catch the name of this building while I was in New York, but it's a rather interesting set of condos to look at.

Photo: Campfire

Far from my greatest picture, but a nice fire that I tended at camp

Photo: Castle Rock 3

Another shot from Castle Rock at Camp Delmont

May 16, 2012


Pineapples are quite delicious, and make an interesting fruit. Spiky on the outside, juicy on the inside. The way you core them is cool too, you make rings out of them. It would be interesting to see other fruits cored like that. Apple rings. Pear rings. Think of the possibilities! Of course, it wouldn't work as well as with a large pineapple, but it would still be cool to see. Pineapples also have some interesting uses. Pineapple pizza. A surprisingly good combination. Then again, I guess that could be attributed to the fact that tomatoes are found on pizza, and they are also fruits. Pineapples are also great on this really great Easter ham that my mom makes. But that's another story.

Photo: Hungry Tree


Photo: Centipede

Unfortunately this photo is blurry, but when do you ever find a cool centipede like this?

May 8, 2012

Photo: Snail

A cool snail I found while camping last weekend with my Scout troop.

May 2, 2012