It was a sunny day in the Kingdom of Nuvola. It was always a sunny day in Nuvola, for it was a kingdom built on top of a cloud that hovers far above Italy. Nuvola is laid out around a central castle with magic walls that make it invisible from the outside, save for its four sets of enormous double doors, one on each side of the castle. Around the castle there is a village of skyhouses. They look like they are made of feathers, but they are actually very durable because of the magic that keeps them together.
Our story begins with a young man named Calvin, waking up from a nightmare.
October 23, 2012
August 28, 2012
__/\__ |-+--+-| |-+--+-| |_|__|_| ========================= ========================= =============================== +-------------------------------------+ | +---------------------------------+ | | | POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX | | | +---------------------------------+ | +-------------------------------------+ | | +-----------+ +-----------+ | | | | | +-------+ | | +-------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--+-+--| | | |--+-+--| | | | | | | |--+-+--| | | |--+-+--| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+ | | +-------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+ | | +-------+ | | | | | | | ~~~~~ | | | | | | | | | | | | ~~~~~ | | | | | | | | | | | | ~~~~~ | | | | | | | | | | | | ~~~~~ | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+ | | +-------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+ | | +-------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+ | | +-------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+ | | +-------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------+ | | +-------+ | | | | | +-----------+ +-----------+ | | ======================================= =======================================
August 8, 2012
Drawing: Lake
Drawing of the lake at Camp Henderson from the viewpoint of the porch at the front of the dining hall. Made this one day when I was too early for KP duty at summer camp.
July 29, 2012
Personal Rules
This list was inspired by the rules of Special Agent Gibbs of NCIS. It's my own set of rules I like to follow. They're listed in the order that I thought of them, not the order of importance.
1. Everything happens for a reason. Just roll with it.
2. One has a right to pursue what he/she believes in
3. Don't lose a good friend to time or distance.
4. Nothing happens exactly as planned.
July 13, 2012
D8 Adventures: The Hospital
This is a test of a storytelling game that uses 2d8 to determine the outcome of certain events in the story.
I'm sitting in a waiting room in a hospital. It's a pretty nice room, with comfortable black chairs. There's a water dispenser with one of those blue ten-gallon jugs of water at the top. I suddenly realize I'm extremely thirsty. But of course, when I try the water dispenser, there's no water left in the tank. I decide to try elsewhere. I stand up and feel woozy. I must be really dehydrated. I manage to walk into the hallway. There's a door across the hall, another down the hall to my right, and an elevator down the hall to my left. I try the door in front of me. It's locked. I decide to try the elevator, since it's closer to me than the other door. I take it down to the lobby. As luck would have it, there's a fountain in the center of the lobby. As thirsty as I am, I run over to the fountain and begin to drink. The water is clean and I drink until I quench my thirst. However, when I'm done and turn around, I notice that a security guard saw me and is running towards me. I try to explain myself, but he still comes closer and pulls out a taser. I say "don't tase me bro!" But he doesn't listen. He shoots his taser, and I feel a painful wave of electricity go through my body, worse than anything I've ever felt. I collapse to the ground, and he drags me off to the brig. I didn't even know hospitals had brigs, but here I am. In a brig, in a hospital.
The End
I'm sitting in a waiting room in a hospital. It's a pretty nice room, with comfortable black chairs. There's a water dispenser with one of those blue ten-gallon jugs of water at the top. I suddenly realize I'm extremely thirsty. But of course, when I try the water dispenser, there's no water left in the tank. I decide to try elsewhere. I stand up and feel woozy. I must be really dehydrated. I manage to walk into the hallway. There's a door across the hall, another down the hall to my right, and an elevator down the hall to my left. I try the door in front of me. It's locked. I decide to try the elevator, since it's closer to me than the other door. I take it down to the lobby. As luck would have it, there's a fountain in the center of the lobby. As thirsty as I am, I run over to the fountain and begin to drink. The water is clean and I drink until I quench my thirst. However, when I'm done and turn around, I notice that a security guard saw me and is running towards me. I try to explain myself, but he still comes closer and pulls out a taser. I say "don't tase me bro!" But he doesn't listen. He shoots his taser, and I feel a painful wave of electricity go through my body, worse than anything I've ever felt. I collapse to the ground, and he drags me off to the brig. I didn't even know hospitals had brigs, but here I am. In a brig, in a hospital.
The End
Sticky Note Sketch: Dalek
This wasn't on a Post-It, but a pad of paper from a hotel. It's a shame they only give you two sheets of paper, not much to work with for writing or drawing, but I feel I made the most of this one at least. It's a Dalek from the Doctor Who series.
July 1, 2012
Pirate vs. Ninja
Players: 2
Dice Needed: 2d20 and 2d8
Dice Needed: 2d20 and 2d8
- Each player rolls 1d20
- The player with the higher number gets to choose whether they want to be the pirate or the ninja. This player will also get to go first.
- Choose a game length. This will determine your starting health value for each player:Table 1:
Game Length HP Short 20 Medium 50 Long 100 - On your turn, roll a d20 to determine the type of attack you perform. See Table 2
- Deal damage to your opponent's HP based on the dice listed for your attack in Table 2:Table 2:
ResultAttack Name Damage
DicePirate Ninja 1 Slash Dagger 1d8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Stab Assassinate 1d8+2 12 13 14 15 16 Long Shot Throwing Knives 1d8+5 17 18 19 Point Blank
ShotShuriken 2d8 20 - The game is over when one player's HP is reduced to 0.
- The winner is the surviving player.
June 28, 2012
Players: 1+
Dice Needed: 1 full set of RPG dice
- The game is divided into 10 rounds
- Each round corresponds to a different percent chance to make a successful hit (100%, 90%, 80%, ..., 10%)
- For each round:
- Roll a d%, if it is less than or equal to the round's percent chance, the hit is successful
If the hit is successful, roll a die and add it to your score, based on the following table:
Number of
Consecutive Hits:Die 1 1d4 2 1d6 3 1d8 4 1d10 5 1d12 6 1d20 7+ 1d% - If the hit is unsuccessful, record an X and the number of consecutive hits starts back at 0.
- Repeat for all other players, if any.
- The game ends when all 10 rounds have been conducted
- For multiplayer games, the winner is the player with the highest score
- For single player games, try to beat your personal record
June 27, 2012
Quote: Dice of Life
I really like this quote of my friend Ashley:
Life is like dice, we can roll them, we might not like what we get, but we're stuck with and deal with whatever we get.
- Ashley Coady
June 14, 2012
Amnesia: Chapter 2
I woke up in a brightly lit room. From the bed I was in, I realized that I was in a hospital. My mind was racing, and then stopped as I saw the other person in the room
She was a young nurse of average height. Her hair was long, brown and wavy, and was tied in a loose braid. Her lips were a bright cherry red from lipstick. She had a slim figure and breasts that were full and round, though not extremely large. She wore a white nurse's outfit including a small white hat. She wore black shoes with no heels.
Man, she's cute, I thought. But what am I doing here?
"Um, excuse me miss..." I started
"Oh good, you're awake!" She said in a cheerful voice. "You've been asleep for quite a while, which is not surprising, you've suffered a huge amount of blood loss. Must have been some duel you were in! But you'll be fine, I patched up your wounds just fine!"
I looked down, and to my surprise, there was a bunch of white bandages over my wound. The pain was mostly gone as well.
"Thank you, uh..." I said.
"My name's Vera" she replied.
"Thank you, Vera! You're probably wondering my name too. It's... It's... Man, I can't place it! I can't remember anything before I woke up and finished off my attacker! This is disturbing." I said.
"Hm... I think you have a case of amnesia here. Perhaps you suffered some sort of blunt force trauma in the fight."
"It's possible," I replied. Amnesia... Just great, I thought. "It's weird, I also keep predicting events just before they happen. It's the only reason I survived that battle." I said.
Vera raised an eyebrow. "Huh, that's strange. But back to the first problem. You don't even remember your name?"
"No," I replied.
"Try to remember. What's the first name you can think of?"
Suddenly a name popped into my head. "John Cooper." I said. "That seems right, but I still don't remember anything."
"Let's see. Follow me." She led me to a sink with a mirror. "Does your reflection help to jog your memory?"
I was greeted with an unfamiliar face. I was apparently tall with dark brown hair. My skin was slightly tan, and my eyes were brown. It felt weird, for this face was completely new to me with my memory loss.
"No," I said.
"Hm... I'll have to look into amnesia a bit more, so why don't you come back tomorrow?"
"Sure," I said. Suddenly, another feeling of fear hit me. Without thinking, I exclaimed "Hit the ground!" and then threw myself at Vera, knocking her off her feet and to the floor next to a lab table. A second later, the hospital exploded around us in a deafening roar.
When the blast stopped, we sat up, surrounded by a pile of rubble where a building once stood.
"How did you know... Who did this?!... What about the others?!... Ahh!!" She said, too emotional for complete thoughts, and collapsed into my arms, crying.
Not knowing what to say, I just held her close.
Eventually she calmed down enough to say: "Thank you, John for saving me. But now, what to do? I don't believe this, that everything I knew is suddenly gone..." Her words trailed off into sobs.
"Don't worry, you'll get through this. I'll stay here to help you," I said.
"Thank you," she replied.
We just sat there, trying to sort out everything that just happened. The sun could be seen over the rubble of the hospital and I realized that it was daybreak. We sat up and just gazed at the beautiful red-orange sky and hoped for the best.
She was a young nurse of average height. Her hair was long, brown and wavy, and was tied in a loose braid. Her lips were a bright cherry red from lipstick. She had a slim figure and breasts that were full and round, though not extremely large. She wore a white nurse's outfit including a small white hat. She wore black shoes with no heels.
Man, she's cute, I thought. But what am I doing here?
"Um, excuse me miss..." I started
"Oh good, you're awake!" She said in a cheerful voice. "You've been asleep for quite a while, which is not surprising, you've suffered a huge amount of blood loss. Must have been some duel you were in! But you'll be fine, I patched up your wounds just fine!"
I looked down, and to my surprise, there was a bunch of white bandages over my wound. The pain was mostly gone as well.
"Thank you, uh..." I said.
"My name's Vera" she replied.
"Thank you, Vera! You're probably wondering my name too. It's... It's... Man, I can't place it! I can't remember anything before I woke up and finished off my attacker! This is disturbing." I said.
"Hm... I think you have a case of amnesia here. Perhaps you suffered some sort of blunt force trauma in the fight."
"It's possible," I replied. Amnesia... Just great, I thought. "It's weird, I also keep predicting events just before they happen. It's the only reason I survived that battle." I said.
Vera raised an eyebrow. "Huh, that's strange. But back to the first problem. You don't even remember your name?"
"No," I replied.
"Try to remember. What's the first name you can think of?"
Suddenly a name popped into my head. "John Cooper." I said. "That seems right, but I still don't remember anything."
"Let's see. Follow me." She led me to a sink with a mirror. "Does your reflection help to jog your memory?"
I was greeted with an unfamiliar face. I was apparently tall with dark brown hair. My skin was slightly tan, and my eyes were brown. It felt weird, for this face was completely new to me with my memory loss.
"No," I said.
"Hm... I'll have to look into amnesia a bit more, so why don't you come back tomorrow?"
"Sure," I said. Suddenly, another feeling of fear hit me. Without thinking, I exclaimed "Hit the ground!" and then threw myself at Vera, knocking her off her feet and to the floor next to a lab table. A second later, the hospital exploded around us in a deafening roar.
When the blast stopped, we sat up, surrounded by a pile of rubble where a building once stood.
"How did you know... Who did this?!... What about the others?!... Ahh!!" She said, too emotional for complete thoughts, and collapsed into my arms, crying.
Not knowing what to say, I just held her close.
Eventually she calmed down enough to say: "Thank you, John for saving me. But now, what to do? I don't believe this, that everything I knew is suddenly gone..." Her words trailed off into sobs.
"Don't worry, you'll get through this. I'll stay here to help you," I said.
"Thank you," she replied.
We just sat there, trying to sort out everything that just happened. The sun could be seen over the rubble of the hospital and I realized that it was daybreak. We sat up and just gazed at the beautiful red-orange sky and hoped for the best.
Amnesia: Chapter 1
I woke up in a pool of blood. I felt the world spin as my body realized that I was lying on my side, ear in a huge puddle of red. But before I could ponder my situation, a metal blade landed in the dirt two inches in front of my face.
Without thinking, fear told my body what to do. I quickly stood up and grabbed the metal blade, which turned out to be a sword. As I did, I felt an intense, stinging pain in my side. However, I was too busy acting on instinct to think about it.
I whirled around and charged at my attacker. How I knew he was behind me was beyond my thoughts at the moment. He was a bald man, with deeply tanned skin. He looked like he was a skilled swordsman, yet not particularly strong physically, he was rather skinny. He held a sword identical to mine. He looked surprised as I charged toward him. I had a feeling he would block my strike, so at the last second, I raised my sword and chopped down, knocking his sword to the ground, yet I kept mine aimed at his chest. Still moving forward, I felt the tip of my sword pierce his skin and sink into layers of flesh as blood began to flow from his wound. As the blade reached the air after exiting the back of the man's torso, he slouched over dead on the sword. I let go and watched him fall to the ground.
Lifting my hands to my face, I saw they were both unfamiliar and coated in blood.
A number of questions popped into my head. Where am I? Who am I? Why can't I remember anything? How did I know every detail of that battle before it happened? And why is my side in so much pain?
I looked down at my side and saw a huge gash that was pouring out blood. I didn't feel anything as I hit the ground, I had already passed out.
Without thinking, fear told my body what to do. I quickly stood up and grabbed the metal blade, which turned out to be a sword. As I did, I felt an intense, stinging pain in my side. However, I was too busy acting on instinct to think about it.
I whirled around and charged at my attacker. How I knew he was behind me was beyond my thoughts at the moment. He was a bald man, with deeply tanned skin. He looked like he was a skilled swordsman, yet not particularly strong physically, he was rather skinny. He held a sword identical to mine. He looked surprised as I charged toward him. I had a feeling he would block my strike, so at the last second, I raised my sword and chopped down, knocking his sword to the ground, yet I kept mine aimed at his chest. Still moving forward, I felt the tip of my sword pierce his skin and sink into layers of flesh as blood began to flow from his wound. As the blade reached the air after exiting the back of the man's torso, he slouched over dead on the sword. I let go and watched him fall to the ground.
Lifting my hands to my face, I saw they were both unfamiliar and coated in blood.
A number of questions popped into my head. Where am I? Who am I? Why can't I remember anything? How did I know every detail of that battle before it happened? And why is my side in so much pain?
I looked down at my side and saw a huge gash that was pouring out blood. I didn't feel anything as I hit the ground, I had already passed out.
June 9, 2012
The Storm Chaser: Chapter 1
It was a dark and stormy night.
Perfect, this is just what I've been waiting for, thought Matt as he looked out the window, seeing forks of lightning in the distance.
Matt grabbed his equipment and ran to the car through the heavy downpour of the rain. His equipment consisted of a camera, a laptop, and a scientific instrument that resembled an antenna with metal parts sticking out at odd angles.
Who was this man? This was Matt Stone, a rookie storm chaser. This is his first chance to find and photograph a storm, and if he is lucky, he might even get to find a tornado.
As he got closer to the storm, the thunder grew louder and the lightning became blindingly bright.
Then, as luck would have it, a funnel cloud descended from the dark grey sky and struck the ground about a half a mile away. Matt stepped down harder on the gas and raced to get closer to the tornado.
Only a few hundred yards away now, Matt parked his car on the side of the road, got out, and began taking pictures. Looking at the digital display of his camera, Matt was pleased with the quality of his photos. After collecting data with his weather equipment, Matt walked back to his card.
Just as he opened the door, an extremely bright flash blinded him and a wave of heat more intense than anything he had ever felt before went through his whole body at once. And then suddenly, it was over.
Opening his eyes, he found himself in a completely white room.
Lightning... he thought. Did I die? Where am I?
Suddenly, a voice behind him said, "Relax. You're in a safe place. And no, you're not dead. You'll learn more soon enough."
To be continued...
Perfect, this is just what I've been waiting for, thought Matt as he looked out the window, seeing forks of lightning in the distance.
Matt grabbed his equipment and ran to the car through the heavy downpour of the rain. His equipment consisted of a camera, a laptop, and a scientific instrument that resembled an antenna with metal parts sticking out at odd angles.
Who was this man? This was Matt Stone, a rookie storm chaser. This is his first chance to find and photograph a storm, and if he is lucky, he might even get to find a tornado.
As he got closer to the storm, the thunder grew louder and the lightning became blindingly bright.
Then, as luck would have it, a funnel cloud descended from the dark grey sky and struck the ground about a half a mile away. Matt stepped down harder on the gas and raced to get closer to the tornado.
Only a few hundred yards away now, Matt parked his car on the side of the road, got out, and began taking pictures. Looking at the digital display of his camera, Matt was pleased with the quality of his photos. After collecting data with his weather equipment, Matt walked back to his card.
Just as he opened the door, an extremely bright flash blinded him and a wave of heat more intense than anything he had ever felt before went through his whole body at once. And then suddenly, it was over.
Opening his eyes, he found himself in a completely white room.
Lightning... he thought. Did I die? Where am I?
Suddenly, a voice behind him said, "Relax. You're in a safe place. And no, you're not dead. You'll learn more soon enough."
To be continued...
May 30, 2012
May 27, 2012
Photo: Steel Waterfall
I didn't catch the name of this building while I was in New York, but it's a rather interesting set of condos to look at.
May 17, 2012
May 16, 2012
Pineapples are quite delicious, and make an interesting fruit. Spiky on the outside, juicy on the inside. The way you core them is cool too, you make rings out of them. It would be interesting to see other fruits cored like that. Apple rings. Pear rings. Think of the possibilities! Of course, it wouldn't work as well as with a large pineapple, but it would still be cool to see. Pineapples also have some interesting uses. Pineapple pizza. A surprisingly good combination. Then again, I guess that could be attributed to the fact that tomatoes are found on pizza, and they are also fruits. Pineapples are also great on this really great Easter ham that my mom makes. But that's another story.
May 8, 2012
May 2, 2012
April 30, 2012
April 29, 2012
April 27, 2012
Sticky Note Sketch: Pineapple Boarding
I asked a friend for something to draw. And after receiving a reply, I drew this, a pineapple riding a wave board.
April 25, 2012
Photo: Camping Double
This is another double exposure I made of a amphitheater and another scenic shot I took while camping.
April 21, 2012
Photo: Bubble Wheel
This was another cool double exposure I took, a composite of some sort of glass decoration my mom has and the wheel of our car.
April 20, 2012
Tutorial (Word): Hanging Indents
Usually, only the first line of a paragraph is indented. However, sometimes you would like the reverse, called a hanging indent, where every line except for the first is indented. This is used sometimes in bibliographies. Though this can be achieved by using the Tab key, it is much easier to use the ruler to set the hanging indent. Read the rest of this tutorial to learn how.
April 19, 2012
Sticky Note Sketch: Sierpinski Triangle
A drawing of a Sierpinski Triangle fractal. This is rather easy and fun to draw, though it gets tedious when the triangles get really small.
Photo: Wooden Keys
This is the first of a number of double exposure pictures I took for a photography class last year, as well as one of my favorites. It is a combination of the keys of my keyboard and the floor of the deck of my house.
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