June 14, 2012

Amnesia: Chapter 1

I woke up in a pool of blood. I felt the world spin as my body realized that I was lying on my side, ear in a huge puddle of red. But before I could ponder my situation, a metal blade landed in the dirt two inches in front of my face.

Without thinking, fear told my body what to do. I quickly stood up and grabbed the metal blade, which turned out to be a sword. As I did, I felt an intense, stinging pain in my side. However, I was too busy acting on instinct to think about it.

I whirled around and charged at my attacker. How I knew he was behind me was beyond my thoughts at the moment. He was a bald man, with deeply tanned skin. He looked like he was a skilled swordsman, yet not particularly strong physically, he was rather skinny. He held a sword identical to mine. He looked surprised as I charged toward him. I had a feeling he would block my strike, so at the last second, I raised my sword and chopped down, knocking his sword to the ground, yet I kept mine aimed at his chest. Still moving forward, I felt the tip of my sword pierce his skin and sink into layers of flesh as blood began to flow from his wound. As the blade reached the air after exiting the back of the man's torso, he slouched over dead on the sword. I let go and watched him fall to the ground.

Lifting my hands to my face, I saw they were both unfamiliar and coated in blood.

A number of questions popped into my head. Where am I? Who am I? Why can't I remember anything? How did I know every detail of that battle before it happened? And why is my side in so much pain?

I looked down at my side and saw a huge gash that was pouring out blood. I didn't feel anything as I hit the ground, I had already passed out.

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