August 1, 2014

More Fractals and a Web Server

The other day I decided to try another fractal from the fractal programming book I have. Here are the results!

I also continued to try out my BeagleBone's web server! This video doesn't look like much, but it really shows the power of what even small web servers can do!

Basically, I start by running a Node.js script. It does three things:

  1. Runs a Ruby script which blinks the LEDs in order
  2. Runs a Python script which flashes 1 LED in an SOS pattern
  3. Hosts a web page that can be accessed from the local network. The web page has two buttons, one turns all the lights on, one turns them off.
This demo uses many different languages: HTML, JavaScript, Python and Ruby. That's my favorite part about web servers like this, it lets you get multiple types of programming language to communicate with each other!

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