June 30, 2014

Up Next: Arduino and Fire and Fractals

Today was the first day in quite a while where I didn't do any programming. Yet I have a couple of ideas for the next day I can sit down and code:

While I still have my dot matrix set up on my breadboard, I am thinking of making an Arduino fire animation. It will be two or three frames long. Since I have a button hooked up to the board, I will make it into a "lighter." press the button once or twice and it only displays the fire animation while the button is held down. Press the button a few more times and the flame will persist even when the button is released.
I also went to a book sale today, I found a book on fractal programming in C! It's humorous to read the book talk about late '80s computer hardware, yet interesting. The fractal algorithms work the same even in more modern programming languages. It's a visual form of chaos theory, it's really fascinating.

Over the next few days, I'll start to program the first fractals in the book, Lorenz Attractors. Here's a screenshot from the book.

My version will hopefully be in 3D and will be animated to get a better feel for the chaotic patterns involved.

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